On July 25, 2023, AIQUAMA partners gathered for a workshop at CIIRC CTU on Advanced zero-error production. The German-Czech research project AIQUAMA (AI-based Quality Management for Smart Factories) focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in the quality management of production processes in order to ensure an error-free and reject-free production.

The workshop consisted in several presentations and discussions. It opened with an introduction to the AIQUAMA project, with a presentation of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as a mean to build standardized digital twins. The introductive part was followed by an explanation of joint challenges in RICAIP and AIQUAMA such as combining the AAS with ontologies and semantic reasoning, also focusing on explainability, as well as heading towards a common I4.0 system/software architecture which uses AAS and concepts of multi-agent systems and is relevant for future joint projects. CEITEC BUT offered then an online demonstration of their mobile inspection use case.
Finally, CIIRC CTU team offered the partners a tour of Prague RICAIP testbed.