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Day of Artificial Intelligence and Smart Industry Digitalisation

April 4, 2024 | 10:00 15:00 UTC+1

Join CzechInvest at the RICAIP Testbed Brno team for the AI and Smart Digitalization for Business Day and be ready to transform your business. This event will be a source of opportunities and ideas to help you achieve a competitive advantage in the digital era.

The conference programme will offer a range of topics that are topical and crucial for the development of modern business. We will focus on smart digitalization through artificial intelligence, present case studies of successful smart digitalization implementations and offer the use of the CEITEC testbed for initial smart digitalization experiments for small and medium-sized enterprises from home. You will also have the opportunity to exchange views and experiences with renowned experts and leading personalities in the field of artificial intelligence and digitalization in the Czech Republic.

9:30-10:00Arrival and attendance of participants
10:00-10:05 Opening remarks by the organizers
prof. Pavel Václavek, CEITEC BUT; Vít Čermák, CzechInvest
10:05-10:25Smart digitalization through biomorphic intelligence – radical increase in company efficiency Zdeněk Havelka, Cerebrica
10:25-10:40Intelligent testbed – possibilities for experiments and education
prof. Pavel Václavek, CEITEC BUT
10:40-11:00Case study of smart digitalization
Vít Prosecký, Lars Chemie
11:00-11:15Smart digitalized company – a complex concept
Jan Hirš, T-Mobile
11:15-11:30 Real-time data for smart manufacturing processes
Jan Adam and Jakub Kopecký, T-Mobile
11:30-12:10 Panel discussion.
Moderator Marek Růžička; Participants: Jakub Hrabec, Jan Hirš, Vít Prosecký, Zdeněk Havelka
12:10-13:00Lunch, networking
13:00-13:30Biomorphic press plant with 5G network – vision and realization
Lukáš Altman Kousal, ŠKODA AUTO; Jakub Kopecký, T-Mobile
13:30-13: 40Industrial blockchain and smart digitalization sample projects
Jiří Holoubek, ElA
13:40-13:50Transformation of the Czech economy and state through deep digitalization and AI involvement – experience of Banking Identity
Marek Růžička, Bank iD
13:50-15:00 Visit to RICAIP TESTBED Brno