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HANNOVER MESSE 2022 – Hall 2, C39, DFKI Main Stand
May 30, 2022 | 08:00 – June 2, 2022 | 17:00 CEST
After two years as a purely digital offering, Hannover Messe is back as an in-presence event, from May 30 to June 2, 2022. DFKI will feature industrial AI in medicine and Healthcare. The RICAIP centre will be presented on the DFKI Main Stand by DFKI and ZeMA which will demonstrate a collaborative robotic arm that a person can intuitively control from a distance via a virtual reality headset in real-time.
More information on the DFKI website and also in the form of press release.

DFKI presents industry topics such as production cells as digital twins, virtual teach-in in human-robot collaboration, assistance systems for humans in production, resilience management for global companies, and more value creation through data products. The second area of focus is AI in medicine. The research areas of the DFKI Lübeck branch will demonstrate how artificial intelligence can help with tumor segmentation, the control of prostheses, or the optimization of imaging procedures. The topics of social simulation of a pandemic, deep learning for individualized fixation implants, and data analysis for predicting critical conditions of intensive care patients reinforce the emphasis on medicine and health.
Visitors can find DFKI’s exhibits and technologies at the main DFKI stand in Hall 2, Booth C39, the Saarland Joint Stand, Hall 2, Booth B28, the FabOS Stand, Hall 5, Booth F54, and at the SmartFactory technology initiative in Hall 8, Booth D18.
Exhibit descriptions in detail – Hall 2, C39, DFKI Main Stand
RICAIP – Virtual Reality-based Remote Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly
Supplied by additional sensors, the digital twin of a production cell becomes the input interface for a robotic teach-in of the real world: As partners in the RICAIP Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production, DFKI and ZeMA demonstrate a collaborative robotic arm that a person can intuitively control from a distance via a virtual reality headset in real-time. The technologically complex scenario enables close interaction between distant locations and can also be used for remote maintenance or remote manufacturing.
RICAIP is a distributed international research center of excellence with a research focus on robotics and artificial intelligence. RICAIP is based on a strategic partnership between the research institutions CIIRC CTU in Prague, CEITEC BUT in Brno, ZeMA, and DFKI in Saarbrücken.
The research topics include cross-site, distributed, and digitized manufacturing in Industry 4.0.
The RICAIP demonstrator can be seen in the official opening video at 0:18, 0:31, and 2:23:
Selected Panel Discussions & Keynote:
30 May 2022, 15:00 – 16:05
Tech Transfer Conference Stage, Hall 2, Booth A60
“The Future of Industry 4.0”
Moderation: Dr. Tabea Golgath, LINK – KI und Kultur, Stiftung Niedersachsen
- 15:00-15:15: Keynote lecture, Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer, Fraunhofer IESE/Plattform Industrie 4.0
- 15:15-16:05: Panel discussion with:
Prof. Henning Kagermann, acatech
Prof. Wolf-Dieter Lukas, BMBF, State Secretary (ret.)
Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI Chief Executive Advisor
The press release was also posted on (idw).