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RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 in Prague will be presented at the 31st Japan International Machine Tool Fair in Tokyo.

EBDVF 2022

Hotel Grandior Na Poříčí 42, Prague 1, Czech Republic

The European Big Data Value Forum | EBDVF 2022 takes place in Prague, Czech Republic. RICAIP is involved in multiple parts of the agenda.

DIH4AI Winter School for SMEs

We invite you to the DIH4AI Winter School for SMEs: AI-Driven Manufacturing, which will take place on 24 - 25 January 2023 at the CIIRC CTU. The series of lectures, workshops and case studies will offer an overview of the latest AI-based technologies in manufacturing and give you an insight into the process of technology…

Cluster 4.0 Conference

We invite you to the Final Conference of the Cluster 4.0 Project - Methodology of System Integration. The program will present the research results and it will bring together the international network of academic and industrial partners. The topic of System Integration is in the centre of the RICAIP research focus and it has been…

Reflection of exhibitions and fairs 2022 in the field of engineering production techniques

Horská 3 Prague 2 , Czech Republic RICAIP invites you to an event organized by RCMT, our partner workplace within the Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU. The Society for Machine Tools and the Institute of Manufacturing Machines and Equipment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague ( RCMT ) with the support…


The RICAIP Centre will be presented during the 20th Czech Days for European Research - CZEDER 2023. The main topic: The Czech Republic in the European Research Area: Benefits and Impact Organiser: Technology Centre Prague Venue: Vienna House Andel's Prague, Stroupežnického 21, Prague 5

CLAIRE AQuA: ChatGPT and Large Language Models

Join the CLAIRE All Questions Answered (AQuA) Series under the auspices of VISION, TAILOR and AI4Media and ask top experts any question on ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs).

RICAIP Training: Intelligent Robotic System using Handtracking for Picking Parts in a Bin

The Training/Tutorial will introduce an intelligent and interactive robotic system for picking parts in a bin. The aim is for a robot arm to sort required LEGO parts from the cluttered and unstructured environment as a preparation for the assembly of a full LEGO group/product.  The system offers a hand tracking feature for choosing a Lego…

Women in Tech: The Gender Algorithm

Ambassade de France and Institut Français de Prague, RICAIP Centre together with CIIRC CTU and La French Tech Prague jointly invite you to "Women in Tech – The gender algorithm" event. On-site (registration from 16:00, start at 16:30) and online (the direct streaming will start at 16:30 on our webpage)  Digital technologies are one of the most powerful drivers of structural…

CIIRC CTU 10th Anniversary

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

CIIRC CTU celebrates its 10th anniversary!Let’s wish CIIRC CTU every success in its second decade.The event is by invitation only. Within one decade CIIRC CTU has become one of the leading Czech research institutes and a visible player on the research map of Europe. Let’s celebrate and appreciate this moment with those who contributed to…

National Summit of Industry 2023

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

Mutual cooperation between government, academia and the private sector to increase the competitiveness of Czech industry.

AI Symposium: Towards AI for the Next Decade

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

Join us for inspiring talks on the latest approaches in AI, ML, computer vision and intelligent robotics.

Open Day for Industry 4.0

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

Get to know the ecosystem of the National Center for Industry 4.0 and the research and innovation center RICAIP, its partners, and the services it provides in the field of digitization, implementation of innovations, and cooperation with academia.

AI Open Day: Trusted AI

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

Join the afternoon program prepared in collaboration with the European Networks of AI Centres of Excellence.

EDIH-DIGIMAT: Workshop 3D Printing in Industry

3D tisk v průmyslu V rámci workshopu na CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně se seznámíte s 3D tiskovými metodami, na které navážeme názornými ukázkami plnobarevného 3D tisku (PolyJet J850 Prime), FDM tisku z průmyslových plastů (Fortus 450mc) a BMD tiskem z kovů (Studio System 2.0), které se nachází v našem RICAIP - Research…

International Engineering Fair Brno MSV 2023

RICAIP is one of the main partners and technology drivers of the joint booth together with the National Centre for Industry 4.0 and its partners. Meet us in Brno, 10-13 October 2023.


The 7th World Engineers Convention WEC 2023 will take place in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, between 9 – 15 October 2023.

AI Happy Hours: Innovation Cocktail for Manufacturing Companies

Join an informal meeting for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies at CIIRC CTU. Specific industrial solutions based on the use of AI methods will be presented and companies will get an insight into the technology transfer process. Come and get inspired by concrete technology demonstrations, share your experience and consult with our experts about the right…

AI Days |Collaboration Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Charles Univeristy and Kampus Hybernská used the opportunity of the AI Days and joined forces with to bring on one stage experts from several countries with the intention of sharing experiences and knowledge with the aim of bringing inspiration to all participants. Among them, RICIAP Director Tilman Becker presented the role of AI in…


With live system demonstrations, numerous exhibitions and a one-day programme of events, RICAIP partner DFKI presents the current state of research and the potential use of AI technologies in production, administration, agriculture, medicine, education and environmental and climate protection. In the live system demonstrations, our scientists show application scenarios of human-robot collaboration in industrial production,…

Digitalisation: Trends & Practice

The digitisation and automation of production has been a key theme resonating across manufacturing sectors recently. Is its introduction into manufacturing just a competitive advantage or is it now an absolute necessity for successful business development? As part of the Digital Czechia Week, CEITEC BUT, one of the four RICAIP core partners, together with other…

Sustainability and ESG reporting for manufacturing companies

RICAIP is delighted to partner with the National Centre for Industry 4.0 (NCP4.0) together with Deloitte, Siemens, Česká spořitelna, and T-Mobile at the workshop devoted to sustainability and ESG reporting as this obligation will gradually apply to an increasing number of companies. According to recent data based on the NCP 4.0 Analysis of Czech Industry…

Technological literacy I/2024

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Dejvice, Czech Republic

On 12 and 13 March 2024, the National Centre for Industry 4.0, in cooperation with ŠKODA AUTO a.s. and the Technology Literacy Platform, will welcome hundreds of primary and secondary school students as part of an educational event on modern technologies. The free lecture for primary and secondary school students will give students an insight…

3D CMM Precise Measurement and Laser Scanning (Workshop)

Join RICAIP and CEITEC BUT within this workshop organised by EDIH DIGIMAT (The event will be entirely in Czech language). AGENDA Day One: Inspection in a shop floor environment using reverse engineering 09:30 - 11:30 Theoretical part 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch break 12:30 - 16:30 Practical part Day 2: Basic principles of measurement on a…

Global Goal Summit

RICAIP is delighted to be among partners and supporters of the Global Goals Summit 2024 with, among others, the National Center for Industry 4.0, the 17 Rooms initiative, IPSOS, Aramark, Komerční Banka or Toyota, which will take place in CIIRC CTU premises. Various speakers will present their vision of sustainability, in Czech. Our team member…

Day of Artificial Intelligence and Smart Industry Digitalisation

Join CzechInvest at the RICAIP Testbed Brno team for the AI and Smart Digitalization for Business Day and be ready to transform your business. This event will be a source of opportunities and ideas to help you achieve a competitive advantage in the digital era. The conference programme will offer a range of topics that…

Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Machine Learning in Manufacturing

RICAIP Testbed Prague is opening its doors to discuss and showcase its progress within Advanced Robotics and Machine Learning in Manufacturing. Join our visitors from the University of Tampere to learn more about our researchers activities. Agenda 9:30 AM Welcome and introduction of CIIRC and RICAIP 10:00 AM Open Data Lab (presentation in Testbed MFM)…

AI Open Day

AMSP CR, EDIH CTU and RICAIP Testbed Prague invite you to an interactive workshop AI Open Day. Come and learn about the possibilities that AI technologies offer to your company/organization! Get to know where AI is already helping, join the discussion with experts. Put AI into practice, use the opportunity to gain knowledge, inspiration and…

RICAIP Workshop: Digitální dvojče obrábění

Již 26. dubna 2024! Vše o využití digitálního dvojčete procesu a obrobku pro zvýšení jakosti a produktivity obrábění náročných tvarových dílců. Reálné ukázky v RICAIP Testbed Praha.

Industry 4.0 Open Day 2024

On 29 May 2024 the RICAIP Testbed Prague door is open all day! Come to CIIRC CTU and experience Industry 4.0 and innovation live.