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Digitalization & Data as Tools for Production Management

This time is very challenging for companies in the automotive industry. Such demands have never been placed on management in terms of flexibility, ability to adapt to change, orientation in new conditions. An increasing number of factors need to be evaluated to make the right decision. Digitalization and virtualization of production can help immensely in…

Artist Meet-up: Lily McCraith & S. Polak – AI in the Context of Nature

Livestreaming, Updated Time (due COVID): Friday 19 November 2021 at 18:00 CET Lily McCraith is a London-based designer, researcher and creative technologist working around the realms of artificial intelligence, computing, and design. Currently, she is in Prague for her residency at the Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production (RICAIP) hosted and coordinated by CIIRC CTU as a fellow of the Goethe-Institut‘s…

Live Stream: Prof. Wahlster on AI & the Next Decade of Industrie 4.0


We would like to invite you to the first public conversation between Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster and Prof. Vladimír Mařík on Industrial AI. RICAIP Seminar Series Industrial Artificial Intelligence for Zero-Defect Manufacturing: The Next Decade of Industrie 4.0 Lecturer: Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, CEA DFKIModerator: Prof. Vladimír Mařík, Scientific Director CIIRC CTU Live streaming from the Testbed for Industry 4.0,…

The CIIRC CTU team – The Award of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic

On Tuesday, November 23, during a ceremony in the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague, the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic (EACR) presented the twenty-fourth edition of the award for an excellent technical project. The team of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at the Czech Technical University in Prague received the 2020…

RICAIP Training: Planning & Deployment of Sensitive Robot Applications Based on Integrated Torque Sensors

The Training/Tutorial will introduce force-controlled applications in the domain of robotics. The motivation of those applications will be discussed as well. Participants will learn how to plan a robotic sensitive application. A method to design an appropriate measuring concept will be introduced. The session deals with the conception of the robot controller to achieve the desired sensitive application based on…

RICAIP Seminar Series: Ethics in Science

Science is a service to society. Ethical principles must be respected in order for society to be able to trust research activities and the conclusions of scientific work.

Webinář – Kampusové sítě a 5G v robotice

Zveme Vás na Webinář - Kampusové sítě a 5G v robotice Michal Vlk ze společnosti Smart-Con Vám společně s hosty Tomášem Vernerem ze společnosti T-Mobile a Pavlem Burgetem za ČVUT představí 5G kampusové sítě v České republice. V rámci webináře Vás čeká Testovací laboratoř CIIRC ČVUTPrivátní podniková mobilní 5G síť v režii T-MobileDigitalizace ve firmáchDůležitost…

RICAIP DAYS 2022: Open Days NCI4.0 in Testbed for Industry 4.0

Den otevřených dveří: Národní centrum Průmyslu 4.0 (NCP4.0) v RICAIP Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 Den otevřených dveří Národního centra Průmyslu 4.0 (NCP4.0) v Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 je jedinečná příležitost seznámit se s ekosystémem Národního centra, jeho partnery a službami, které poskytujeme malým a středně velkým podnikům v oblasti digitalizace, automatizace průmyslové výroby a zavádění inovativních technologií. Jednacím jazykem této části…

RICAIP DAYS 2022: Robotix Academy

Introduction to HRC Robotsystems with Focus on Vision Assisted and Sensitive Systems During this specialised workshop, the team of the Robotix Academy from ZeMA, RICAIP partner, will present the latest applications of industrial robotics with the help of interactive demonstrators. The aim of this training is to present various human-robot collaboration (HRC) systems as a proven example of…

Café Collaborations: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Labour

Campus Hybernska, Hybernska 4, Prague 1 Hybernska 4, Prague 1, Czech Republic

Can we replace humans in production? How do technological innovations in the industry affect the persons involved? We warmly invite you to a Café Collaborations organised by the German Embassy in Prague. Register for the event until 30 April 2022 The Czech Republic belongs to the most industrialized states in the world, with some 37…

Open House Praha

The biggest festival of open buildings in Prague is back. The 8th Open House Prague takes place on May 16–22, 2022. This year’s program features 101 usually inaccessible buildings which you can visit on the weekend of May 21–22 with free admission.

WODES 2022 – 16th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems

We are pleased to invite you to 16th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems - WODES 2022. The event takes place September 7-8, 2022 at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU), a university institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). The interdisciplinary field of Discrete Event Systems (DES) combines different formalisms,…

Czech-French-AI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

The Czech-French-AI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence is jointly organised by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy in Prague, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague, and Inria, with the support of other partners and synergic networks. The aim is to bring together leading experts from various AI fields, entrepreneurs and decision-makers.…

Laser Workshop: Moderní technologie pro řezné nástroje

Povlaky a povrchové úpravy pro řezné nástroje, možnosti jejich zpracování laserem a 3D měření Účast na workshopu je zdarma. Zveme vás na odborný workshop, který spolupořádají Fakulta strojní ČVUT, Fakulta elektrotechnická ČVUT ve spolupráci s průmyslovými partnery, firmou HOFMEISTER s.r.o. a ADVANTAGE-FL.CZ s.r.o. Akce je věnována jak úvodu do problematiky, tak zejména prezentaci nejnovějších postupů…

Debate with Frans Timmermans on Green Deal

Frans Timmermans will visit the Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU. We invite CTU students and young researchers to participate in a debate

RICAIP at Brno International Engineering Fair 2022

Hall F, Digital Factory 2.0 - Brno Exhibition Center Experience the future of the industry at the International Engineering Fair in Brno | MSV 2022. Visit our joint exhibition in Hall F! For the first time, RICAIP will be presented with a few robotic demonstrators at Brno MSV 2022, using the on-site installed industrial 5G…

Monitoring obráběcích operací

Společnost pro obráběcí stroje a Ústav výrobních strojů a zařízení Fakulty strojní ČVUT v Praze (RCMT) s podporou projektů RICAIP a Cluster4 si vás dovolují pozvat na připravovaný seminář s tématem Monitoring obráběcích operací. Monitoring obráběcích operací umožňuje zvyšovat efektivitu výroby a snižovat provozní náklady obrábění. Seminář je koncipován na kombinovaný blok teoretických přednášek, praktických ukázek a…

TRAI Week 2022

RICAIP will be presented at the TR AI Week - the biggest AI event in Turkey which yearly attracts around 50.000 participants from industry and academia.

Czech Digital Week – Media Breakfast with Deputy Prime Minister

At the request and in cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, we are co-organizing a Media Breakfast with Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization and Minister for Regional Development Ivan Bartos to launch Czech Digital Week and a tour of the RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 at the CIIRC CTU in…


RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 in Prague will be presented at the 31st Japan International Machine Tool Fair in Tokyo.

EBDVF 2022

Hotel Grandior Na Poříčí 42, Prague 1, Czech Republic

The European Big Data Value Forum | EBDVF 2022 takes place in Prague, Czech Republic. RICAIP is involved in multiple parts of the agenda.

DIH4AI Winter School for SMEs

We invite you to the DIH4AI Winter School for SMEs: AI-Driven Manufacturing, which will take place on 24 - 25 January 2023 at the CIIRC CTU. The series of lectures, workshops and case studies will offer an overview of the latest AI-based technologies in manufacturing and give you an insight into the process of technology…

Cluster 4.0 Conference

We invite you to the Final Conference of the Cluster 4.0 Project - Methodology of System Integration. The program will present the research results and it will bring together the international network of academic and industrial partners. The topic of System Integration is in the centre of the RICAIP research focus and it has been…

Reflection of exhibitions and fairs 2022 in the field of engineering production techniques

Horská 3 Prague 2 , Czech Republic RICAIP invites you to an event organized by RCMT, our partner workplace within the Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU. The Society for Machine Tools and the Institute of Manufacturing Machines and Equipment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague ( RCMT ) with the support…


The RICAIP Centre will be presented during the 20th Czech Days for European Research - CZEDER 2023. The main topic: The Czech Republic in the European Research Area: Benefits and Impact Organiser: Technology Centre Prague Venue: Vienna House Andel's Prague, Stroupežnického 21, Prague 5