Researchers’ Night
September 27 All day
The basic variable of the world is transformation. From evolution in nature to revolution in technology. Everything around us goes through its transformation and development. Let’s turn one night of the year into a unique celebration of science together! Visit our RICAP Testbed Prague at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics at the Technical University in Prague, which will again this year be open to all the Researchers’ Night participants with a rich program.
What is Researchers’ Night?
Researchers’ Night was initiated by the European Commission in 2005 and its mission is to show that science is not boring, but on the contrary is a source of interesting and fascinating phenomena. One day a year, universities, research and development centres, science centres, and other places open with free guided tours, popular education presentations, workshops, experiments, science shows, music, and performances, amongst others, taking place. The aim of Researchers’ Night is to dispel myths about scientists as people locked in laboratories and to show the general public that they are “ordinary people” who do work for each of us, they can present it in an engaging way, and they can also have a good time.
What kind of programme can you look forward to at RICAIP Testbed Prague?
We are currently working on a specific programme with all our efforts. When weare done, you will find it on this site.