1rst Edition of RYIA – RICAIP Young Investigator Award 2022
RICAIP’s vision is to establish itself as one of the critical European research infrastructures, a centre of excellence based on an international team of top scientists, well anchored in the collaborative ecosystem of academia, industry, and regional/national authorities, with a positive impact on the society as a whole.
On the path to achieving this vision, the continuous development of human resources was identified as one of the highest priorities in RICAIP. At the same time, special attention is paid to attracting young talents and their support in the initial stages of their scientific career.
The RICAIP Young Investigator Award was designed within Work Package 4: “HR Development” and thus represents an irreplaceable element fitting into the complex system of support provided to young talents within RICAIP.

RYIA 2022 Award ceremony
The top three selected candidates were awarded within the RYIA ceremony, held on the occasion of the Ceremonial Opening of the RICAIP Testbed in Brno on November 30, 2022.

RYIA 2022 Winners:

1st Place: Varun Burde

2nd Place: Michal Skalský

3rd Place: Caspar Jacob
Special Partners of the 2022 Edition:

This year’s hosting institution and RICAIP organiser

The official partner and general sponsor of financial awards

Goal of the Award
The goal of the RICAIP Young Investigator Award (RYIA) is to appreciate the best scientific contribution performed by the candidate within the Industry 4.0 domains, mainly in the areas of industrial digitalization, automation, robotics, AI-based solutions, machine learning, big data, computer vision, IoT, industrial software (ERP, MES, …) and other related fields.
The core principles of RIYA are:
- Fair, open, and equal conditions within the whole awarding process,
- Diversity support,
- Compliance with the OTM-R principles – the selection of candidates will always be based on equal opportunity, including gender, race, ethnicity, and award candidate’s culture,
- Integrating gender aspects in accordance with the Gender Equality Plan of RICAIP.
Eligible candidates
Young scientific talents who obtained at least a master’s degree and at the same time did not exceed the age of 35 years, already collaborating on industry-driven research challenges related to RICAIP’s scientific objectives.
Contact person
Lucie Kuljovská, CEITEC BUT
- lucie.kuljovska@ceitec.vutbr.cz
- +420 541 149 879
Nomination rules
The nomination of the award candidate shall be submitted by the candidate’s mentor/thesis supervisor/research project leader/internship supervisor/research group leader…, resp. a senior researcher with a proven connection to the RICAIP and scientific specialization targeting Industry 4.0-related fields.
The nomination shall contain
- Candidate’s CV
Both documents shall be sent via email to the contact person by the deadline for submission of nominations.
The prizes for 3 winners in the first, second, and third place have the following form:

Selection criteria
The evaluation committee chaired by the Director of RICAIP will decide on the winning candidates, taking into account these criteria:
- The candidate’s expertise based on the CV
- The focus on relevant research topics in the context of Industry 4.0 domains
- Significance of scientific work and presented research achievements
- Degree of integration of experiments (if relevant e. g. using devices in Testbed), the existence of demonstrator
- Authorship or co-authorship in publications dedicated to key achievements
- Other supporting statements e.g., targeting current industry-driven hot topics based on collaboration with an industrial company, other awards and honours received an internship in a partner institution/manufacturing company abroad, leading of education or training activities targeting I4.0 domains etc.