The SOCAIETY 2050 conference, held under the guidance of Michal Postránecký, Director of the Center of City of the Future CIIRC CTU, brought together visionaries, industry leaders, and thinkers to explore the dynamic intersections of artificial intelligence, robotics, and society. With its central theme “Quo vadis homo?”, the event sought to cast a forward-looking gaze into 2050 and beyond. Among its highlights was the active participation of RICAIP in showcasing applications of AI and robotics while engaging directly with audiences across generations.

The moderated panels in the morning set the tone with profound discussions on applying AI and robotics within Industry 4.0. Experts like Prof. Vladimír Mařík delved into real-world implications of automation and digitalization. RICAIP, a hub for advanced industrial innovations, resonated with these conversations, emphasizing the role of testbeds like the RICAIP Testbed Prague at CIIRC CTU in pioneering transformative technologies. As the day unfolded, topics grew even more compelling. Discussions on AI safety brought together notable figures, including Tomáš Mikolov, RICAIP Tenure Tracker, to tackle critical challenges and opportunities in securing artificial intelligence for a sustainable future.

The RICAIP stand was among the engaging highlights of the conference’s interactive offerings, drawing attention with its hands-on demonstrations. A notable feature was the opportunity to challenge a robot to a game of checkers, which attracted a wide range of visitors, from curious children to seasoned professionals. This activity illustrated how AI and robotics can captivate diverse audiences, making advanced technologies both approachable and inspiring. RICAIP’s contribution underscored its commitment to fostering public interest in the practical applications of cutting-edge innovations.

A special focus of the conference was engaging younger generations. Initiatives like the AIBOT Fest provided children with opportunities to interact with futuristic technologies – playing games, exploring virtual reality, and even trying out cleaning robots and autonomous vehicles. The feedback from participating schools was overwhelmingly positive, with teachers highlighting the inspiration and excitement their students took away from the event. By creating such engaging experiences, SOCAIETY 2050 underscored the importance of nurturing curiosity and interest in technical sciences among future generations – a mission RICAIP actively supports.

SOCAIETY 2050 marked not just a day of insightful discussions but also the launch of the digital magazine [UN]FAIR. This publication extends the dialogue begun at the conference, featuring thought-provoking articles on AI, robotics, and societal impacts. RICAIP made a strong contribution to the first issue, with two articles by our RICAIP Testbed Prague researchers showcasing its innovative projects and expertise:
- Transforming Manufacturing Processes Through AI in RICAIP Testbed Prague by Václav Kubíček explores how artificial intelligence is redefining production workflows, enhancing efficiency, and unlocking new opportunities for industrial transformation at CIIRC CTU.
- Robotic Tap: Technology and Collaboration for Innovation by Dr. Pavle Burget and Serhii Voronov highlights a unique case of robotic automation in the beverage industry, demonstrating the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced robotics.