Industrial Testbed Core
RICAIP aims to build a distributed research and experimental workplace – Industrial Testbed Core – to develop and test innovative solutions for advanced industrial production, continually optimizing to the changing environment. RICAIP EU Testbed Core aims to become a major contributor to the international standardization efforts and cybersecurity of the Industry 4.0 initiative, facilitating technology and knowledge transfer from academia to industry through the deployment and development of technical solutions tested and validated in the relevant industrial environment.

Grant Lab
The main idea of the Grant Lab is that grant managers are not only supporting researchers with necessary administrative work, but they are also idea makers. The Grant Lab is an open platform for project/grant managers from CIIRC CTU and partners’ institutions. It has been set up to enhance cooperation and best practice sharing. The Grant Lab serves as a platform and also a physical office in the CIIRC CTU building. There the grant managers and researchers can meet and discuss novel research ideas and potential funding opportunities. The joint project strategy is focused on the strategic consortium basis and also individual top-level grants (such as ERC, MSCA, etc.).

Industry 4.0 Showroom
Fast information sharing and intensive interactions are crucial for further processing of research and development. The Industry 4.0 Showroom shall give a floor for open discussion how advanced industrial production in line with the Industry 4.0 principles can impact equal opportunities, labour market and environmental principles of sustainable development. The aim is to create a place (virtual or physical) for visual and interactive presentation of the RICAIP Centre, its outputs and infrastructure, both to the public and industrial partners. All of this with respect to gender, diversity, equal opportunities, environmental issue, and different social groups.