ZeMA is an application-oriented research institute that transfers its research results directly to industrial and producing companies through active technology transfer. The work priorities are mechatronic systems, innovative production technologies, and Industry 4.0 applications. ZeMA has established an industrial testbed with a diverse demonstrator environment for the automotive, aircraft, and machine manufacturing sectors and other sectors. ZeMA works closely with the Saarland University and the Saarland University of Applied Sciences. Furthermore, ZeMA cooperates with various partners of the Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux) and has launched the centre Power4Production, the Mittelstand 4.0 Competence centre as well as the Robotix Academy, shaping the engineering education and technology transfer at the cross-regional level.

Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology
Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik

The Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology gGmbH (ZeMA) operates in application-oriented research and in industry-oriented development in the fields of sensor and actuator technology, production and assembly processes and their automation. With these areas, ZeMA covers a broad research spectrum with the aim of industrialization and transfer of research and development results to the industry and to the industrial floor. The work priorities are mechatronic systems, innovative production technologies, and industry 4.0 applications.
ZeMA takes part in many research and development projects in collaboration with industrial partners including Airbus, BMW, Bosch, Daimler, Festo, Ford, Miele, PAG, Porsche, VW, Woll Maschinenbau, XENON Automation Technologies, ZF AG etc.
ZeMA shapes engineering education in collaboration with the professors of the three research divisions. The division assembly processes and automation contributes to the regional and supra-regional education of engineers at higher education institutes in the region of Saar-Lor-Lux with various lectures (a) assembly system technology, b) kinematics, dynamic, and application in robotics, c) human-robot collaboration in the industrial production d) assembly and commissioning of vehicles).
Saarbrücken Testbed
The testbed area of over 4,000 m² includes two industrial halls and various areas for experimental demonstrators and prototypes for the factory and production of the future. The main focus is Industrie 4.0, digitalization, AI applications in production as well as robotics. The Centre for Innovative Production Technologies (Power4Production), which is jointly operated by ZeMA and DFKI is also located on the ZeMA premises. DFKI’s German-Czech Innovation Laboratory for Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrie 4.0 (MRK4.0 Lab), which was founded in 2016 and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, is a part of Power4Production and of the RICAIP testbed. The MRK4.0 Lab hosts more than 25 robots of different kinds.