RICAIP founding partner DFKI organized the ADRA cross-project workshop, bringing together over 40 experts from AI, Big Data, and Robotics. The event contributed to integrating research communities across these domains and established joint research priorities in the field of Advanced Production Technologies. We are pleased, that Tilman Becker, RICAIP Director, as well as RICAIP team members Daniel Porta, Senior Researcher, and Pavel Burget, Director of Testbed for Industry 4.0, could be a part of such an event.

On Friday, June 28th, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) hosted the ADRA cross-project workshop, gathering more than 40 experts from the fields of AI, Big Data, and Robotics. This event, a significant milestone in the ongoing collaboration within the ADRA (Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics Association) initiative, focused on integrating diverse research communities and defining joint research priorities for Advanced Production Technologies.

The primary objectives of the workshop were to:
- Discuss and identify key directions for research and technology development in Smart Manufacturing.
- Promote dialogue between the AI, Big Data, and Robotics communities to foster a collaborative research environment.
- Contribute towards the integration of these domains within the horizon of the next five years.
Workshop program
09:30-09:45 Welcome & Introduction
09:45-10:00 From manufacturing data spaces to circular data networks and DPPs: the perspective of the BDVA SMI Group (Sergio Gusmeroli, BDVA)
10:00-10:15 Al for Manufacturing (Dr. Sotiris Makris, University of Patras)
10:15-10:25 The role of data and Al for robotic assembly and disassembly (José Saenz, Fraunhofer IFF)
10:25-10:35 Robotics for manufacturing, going beyond the state of the art (Christian Schlette/Ali Muhammad, University of Southern Denmark SDU)
10:35-11:15 Collaborative Working Groups
11:15-11:45 Plenary Presentations of Key Findings
11:45-12:00 Closing
This workshop significantly contributed to the dialogue between different research communities, helping to map out the European ecosystem in the fields of AI, Big Data, and Robotics. The integration of these domains is seen as crucial for advancing Smart Manufacturing, with immense potential for impact in upcoming framework programs.
The workshop also served as a preparatory ground for the next event in this series, scheduled for November 4-5 in conjunction with the ADR Forum.
We look forward to seeing you in November!