On the occasion of the opening of the newly renovated and equipped RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU), we would like to invite Czech and European stakeholders from academia, industry, media and public administration to a set of lectures, networking opportunities and insider talks.
Join us for the end of April and do not miss meetings with our large Industry 4.0 community.
Due to given space, the capacity is limited.
Please use the form down on this page for your registration.
We will contact you soon with details via email.
We reserve the right to refuse additional participants when capacity is reached.
If you have any question, please contact the organising team through pr@ricaip.eu.
Day 1: 27 April 2022, Wednesday
14:00 – 15:50 | Internal Meeting
CIIRC CTU International Advisory Board (IAB) – Meeting for Counseling RICAIP
Discussion on the past progress and future directions with the members of the CIIRC CTU IAB members.
This part of the programme is reserved for IAB members only. We will inform about outcomes afterwards.
Day 2: 28 April 2022, Thursday
09:00 – 10:30 | Festive opening for invited guests
11:00 – 17:00 | Conference for industry & academia
RICAIP Conference
New Research Infrastructure of the Testbed for Industry 4.0 in Prague
This event takes place on the occasion of the reopening of the newly refurbished premises of the Testbed for Industry 4.0, RICAP Node Prague, which has been equipped with state-of-the-art technologies in the past two years.
For the first time, a selection of the RICAIP’s challenging industry-driven research topics will be presented to stakeholders from academia, industry, and the public sector.
Language of the conference: English (no translation)
Be our guest and join us for this part of the programme in person!
Day 3: 29 April 2022, Friday
09:00 – 12:15 | Workshop
Parallel Session I: Robotix Academy
Introduction to HRC Robotsystems with Focus on Vision Assisted and Sensitive Systems
During this specialised workshop, the team of the Robotix Academy from ZeMA, RICAIP partner, will present the latest applications of industrial robotics with the help of interactive demonstrators.
The aim of this training is to present various human-robot collaboration (HRC) systems as a proven example of how to get started with HRC through live demonstrations, lectures, and discussions.
Language of the workshop: English (no translation)
Since 2017, there has been at least one Robotix Academy Roadshow every year visiting various regions across Europe – Finally, we welcome this unique concept in Prague, incl. real robot settings from Saarbrücken!
This workshop is designed for
- Engineers
- Production Planners
- Process Developers
- Automation Specialists
- Master Students
- PhD Students
- Researchers
- Technology Developers
- Experts in Automation and Robotics
More about Robotix Academy
Cross-border Research Cluster for Industrial Robotics and Human-Robot Cooperation.
Demonstrator A: “Force-controlled Robot applications”
- Introduction to force-controlled applications in the domain of robotics.
- How to plan a robotic sensitive application.
- How to design an appropriate measuring concept
- The conception of the robot controller for a sensitive application
- Validation on a real demonstrator

Demonstrator B: “Camera assisted robot applications”
- Motivation of camera assisted application
- Integration of external modules (camera and gripper)
- Calibration of the camera
- Kinematic calibration of the gripper
- Design of the process
- Definition of the workflow
- Layout of the Control concept
- Setting the Human-Machine-Interface (HMI)
- Validation of the process based on real demonstrator

Meet Ali Kanso, Project Manager of Robotix Academy

Dr.-Ing. Ali Kanso
Research assistant at ZeMA – Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology gGmbH
Project Manager Robotix Academy
Email: a.kanso@zema.de, a.kanso@robotix.academy
Phone: +49 (0) 6 81 – 85 787 – 519
Short resume
My journey at ZeMA started in 2015. ZeMA offers an international and friendly research atmosphere, where I am leading the Robotix Academy project since March 2020. Currently, I am supervising the research group for robotics and human-machine interaction. I received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mechatronics from the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, in respectively 2013 and 2015. Moreover, I completed my PhD studies on sensitive robotics at 2021 at the University of Saarland. My research interests include modeling and calibration of manipulators as well as sensitive and applied robotics.
You will learn how…
- to plan and implement a sensitive robotics application based on integrated torque sensors on a real demonstrator
- to commission a camera system in a robotic station and setup a camera assisted task directly on a real demonstrator
- to design an appropriate measuring concept
- to cope with the conception of the robot controller to achieve the desired sensitive application based on the requirement of the process and monitoring of the exerted forces
- a 2D camera can be calibrated on a robot flange
- to get in touch to classical signal processing methods to learn objects
Day 3: 29 April 2022, Friday
08:30 – 15:30 | Open Days
Parallel Session II: Open Days of the National Centre for Industry 4.0 at the Testbed for Industry 4.0
The Open Day of the National Centre for Industry 4.0 (NCI4.0) at Testbed for Industry 4.0 is a unique opportunity to learn about the NCI4.0’s ecosystem, its partners and the services that they provide to small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of digitization, industrial automation, and the introduction of innovative technologies.
Language of the Open Day: Czech (no translation)
Den otevřených dveří Národního centra Průmyslu 4.0 (NCP4.0) v Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 je jedinečná příležitost seznámit se s ekosystémem Národního centra, jeho partnery a službami, které poskytujeme malým a středně velkým podnikům v oblasti digitalizace, automatizace průmyslové výroby a zavádění inovativních technologií.
Jednacím jazykem této části programu je čeština.