RICAIP Testbeds as a gateway to innovation – The Open Day for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU presented inspiring examples of digitalization in practice

Trends, visions, technological innovations and practical solutions under the Industry 4.0 umbrella developed in the environment of industrial testbeds. These were the themes of the Industry 4.0 Open Day, an…

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HN News: Want to upgrade your business and not sure if it’s worth it? You can first test your innovations with scientists from CIIRC CTU

English translation of the original article by Jan Prokeš, published in Czech newspaper Hospodářské noviny (Economic Newspaper), 3 May 2024 During his studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of…

Latvian Delegation Visited the RICAIP Testbed Prague

Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of Latvia Mr. Jurgis Miezainis, Senior Expert of the Ministry of Economy Ms. Angelina Bekasová and the Deputy Ambassador to the Czech Republic Mr. Janis Vaivars got acquainted with innovation ecosystem around RICAIP testbeds.

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RICAIP Presents 2023

An overview of the most significant moments and activities of RICAIP and its partners over 2023.

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