Teaming Club by InnoRenew
Teaming Club by InnoRenew: Presentation and participation at the meeting of European Teaming Projects was organised as a virtual meeting of the Teaming Club. We discussed how to achieve sustainability…
Teaming Club by InnoRenew: Presentation and participation at the meeting of European Teaming Projects was organised as a virtual meeting of the Teaming Club. We discussed how to achieve sustainability…
We would like to invite you to the next RICAIP Seminar Series, this time on a variety of topics related to Open Science. Open science, or rather "Open in science"…
On Wednesday 3 November 2021, we are delighted to invite you to a seminar of the National Centre for Industry 4.0, co-organised with Škoda Auto, on topics related to 3D printing in…
For all scientists in the RICAIP partner institutions, the RICAIP Center is organising its first internal RICAIP workshop on Human-Robot Collaboration and Interactions as a way to share the existing knowledge and…
Prof. Pavel Václavek is a recognized scientist in the field of cyber research. He is the head of the research group Cybernetics and Robotics at CEITEC BUT. It deals with…
Join us watching a live broadcast of the European Citizen's Prize Ceremony from Brussels, where two teams of two Czech universities are to receive the Award. Researchers from the Czech…
Conference CR2028 is an International conference, focused on the issue of digital transformation in the post-covid period and subsequent data interconnection of companies leading to increased efficiency of mutual intercompany…
This time is very challenging for companies in the automotive industry. Such demands have never been placed on management in terms of flexibility, ability to adapt to change, orientation in…
Livestreaming, Updated Time (due COVID): Friday 19 November 2021 at 18:00 CET Lily McCraith is a London-based designer, researcher and creative technologist working around the realms of artificial intelligence, computing, and…
We would like to invite you to the first public conversation between Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster and Prof. Vladimír Mařík on Industrial AI. RICAIP Seminar Series Industrial Artificial Intelligence for Zero-Defect…
On Tuesday, November 23, during a ceremony in the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague, the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic (EACR) presented the twenty-fourth edition of the award for an…
The Training/Tutorial will introduce force-controlled applications in the domain of robotics. The motivation of those applications will be discussed as well. Participants will learn how to plan a robotic sensitive application. A method to design…
Science is a service to society. Ethical principles must be respected in order for society to be able to trust research activities and the conclusions of scientific work.
Zveme Vás na Webinář - Kampusové sítě a 5G v robotice Michal Vlk ze společnosti Smart-Con Vám společně s hosty Tomášem Vernerem ze společnosti T-Mobile a Pavlem Burgetem za ČVUT…
This event is organised in cooperation with
Den otevřených dveří: Národní centrum Průmyslu 4.0 (NCP4.0) v RICAIP Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 Den otevřených dveří Národního centra Průmyslu 4.0 (NCP4.0) v Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 je jedinečná příležitost seznámit se s ekosystémem…
Introduction to HRC Robotsystems with Focus on Vision Assisted and Sensitive Systems During this specialised workshop, the team of the Robotix Academy from ZeMA, RICAIP partner, will present the latest applications of industrial…
Can we replace humans in production? How do technological innovations in the industry affect the persons involved? We warmly invite you to a Café Collaborations organised by the German Embassy…
Come to listen to interesting topics, meet in person and discuss - we are interested in your opinions. You are most welcome! Join the moderated hybrid events managed and streamed…
We proudly invite you to the Workshop (part of Theme Development Workshop) organised by the Vision4AI project.
The biggest festival of open buildings in Prague is back. The 8th Open House Prague takes place on May 16–22, 2022. This year’s program features 101 usually inaccessible buildings which…
3rd Czech Israeli Forum on Innovation - CIFI 2022 - on the up-to-date topic: Smart Cities will take place on 25 May in Prague.
After two years as a purely digital offering, Hannover Messe is back as an in-presence event, from May 30 to June 2, 2022. DFKI will feature industrial AI in medicine…
The event is co-organised by: With the support of: About the Event The first transatlantic workshop on AI in manufacturing organised with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF),…
Learn about opportunities in machine tool monitoring and monitoring of the cutting process. Join webinar on 22 June 2022!
We are pleased to invite you to 16th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems - WODES 2022. The event takes place September 7-8, 2022 at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics…
The Czech-French-AI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence is jointly organised by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy in Prague, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague, and…
Povlaky a povrchové úpravy pro řezné nástroje, možnosti jejich zpracování laserem a 3D měření Účast na workshopu je zdarma. Zveme vás na odborný workshop, který spolupořádají Fakulta strojní ČVUT, Fakulta…
Frans Timmermans will visit the Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU. We invite CTU students and young researchers to participate in a debate
Researchers’ Night 2022, is an event that, for one evening, brings life to hundreds of science buildings that no ordinary mortal can enter.
Hall F, Digital Factory 2.0 - Brno Exhibition Center Experience the future of the industry at the International Engineering Fair in Brno | MSV 2022. Visit our joint exhibition in…
Společnost pro obráběcí stroje a Ústav výrobních strojů a zařízení Fakulty strojní ČVUT v Praze (RCMT) s podporou projektů RICAIP a Cluster4 si vás dovolují pozvat na připravovaný seminář s tématem Monitoring…
RICAIP will be presented at the TR AI Week - the biggest AI event in Turkey which yearly attracts around 50.000 participants from industry and academia.
At the request and in cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, we are co-organizing a Media Breakfast with Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization and Minister…
RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 in Prague will be presented at the 31st Japan International Machine Tool Fair in Tokyo.
The European Big Data Value Forum | EBDVF 2022 takes place in Prague, Czech Republic. RICAIP is involved in multiple parts of the agenda.