Problem definition
The need to intensify cooperation between humans, robots and production equipment in hybrid teams is often not recognised. Also, the consideration of already existing IT and production structures are mostly not or only with difficulty compatible. MRK-4.0 requires the integration of already established and the development of new security concepts.
Advantages of the solution
Safe, efficient and flexible cooperation of hybrid teams in socio-technical production processes leads to the relief of employees in ergonomically difficult or health-damaging activities. Collaboration across locations is also possible.
Used technologies
MRK-capable lightweight construction and transport robots, as well as software-based assistance systems in intelligent environments, are used here. These are supported by mixed-reality systems as well as distributed sensor technology and multimodal user interfaces.
Application areas
Hybrid teams in versatile, cyber-physical production environments as well as cross-location production, maintenance and assistance are supported by MRK in I4.0.

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