Research focus: Machine tools and production machines in Inudstry 4.0
Michal Rytíř is a researcher and Ph.D. student at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University, with part-time affiliation at CIIRC, participating at Testbed CIIRC and RICAIP projects. He finished Master’s degree in the field of Production Machinery and Machine Tools in 2019. His work is divided between Testbed CIIRC and Research Center for Engineering Technology RMCT. In the end, both research groups are active in Testbed CIIRC and benefits from synergy of the shared topics.
Michal has been working at CIIRC Testbed since 2019. His doctoral thesis is focused on machine tools and production machines in connection with the topic of Industry 4.0. He is working on methodology, which should help with implementation of intelligent function into production machines to improve machine tool behaviour and performance. More specifically, his focus is on cutting process analysis using data from the machine tool control system and applications of edge devices. This topic is also part of one RICAIP use-case.
Michal is also involved in the topic of automation and robotics, for example in the additive manufacturing technology via polymer materials using extruder and robotic arm. The technology is called Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM). It can be used for industrial application like moulds, clamping jigs, machine covers or for design work for people like furniture or custom-made chairs.
Would you have any piece of good advice for students?
Our world is full of magnificent products. All the things are parts of our ordinary live. But every highly functional device like a car or a smart phone has to be somehow developer, designed, prototyped, manufactured and finally prepared for massive production. Each step requires high level of creativity and ingenuity. This somehow X-ray view into the whole workflow is very excited and amazing. So, have you eye open and keep asking – how does it work?
What do you find the most challenging as a researcher?
As a researcher in application science at the Institute of Robotics, Informatics,
and Cybernetics, the most challenging aspect is navigating the interdisciplinary nature of the field. Integrating mechanical engineering principles with robotics, informatics, and cybernetics requires constant adaptation and collaboration across diverse domains, which demands innovative problem-solving and a broad understanding of multiple disciplines.