Research focus: Computer vision, Deep learning, Robotic automation As a researcher at RICAIP Testbed Prague, I focus on bridging industrial automation challenges with robotics and computer vision —specifically developing scalable…
Category: Researcher
Vít Zeman
Researcher Research focus: Computer vision and machine learning in industrial applications. I’m a researcher at the Testbed for Industry 4.0, where I get the exciting chance to bridge the gap…
Lukáš Kornel Gajdar
Researcher Research focus: Ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter I am a dedicated researcher at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC), where my main focus is the development of…
Rastislav Čermák
Software developer for Industry 4.0 Research focus: Automation of software processes Since high school I was interested in mathematics, physics and other branches of science. Even though the all scientific…
Michal Rytíř
Researcher Research focus: Machine tools and production machines in Inudstry 4.0 Michal Rytíř is a researcher and Ph.D. student at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University, with part-time affiliation…
Václav Kubáček
Researcher Research focus: Precise Measurements with Laser Tracker and Machine Perception My adventure in Prague Testbed began with my bachelor thesis, in which I was involved in developing a robotic…
Alexis Bernhard
Researcher Research focus: Software Architecture and Engineering for Automation and Manufacturing Alexis Bernhard works as a researcher at the interconnected factory chair of DFKI in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Till 2020, he…
Caspar Jacob
Researcher Research focus: Mixed reality applications for Industrie 4.0 and especially Human-Robot collaboration Caspar specializes in mixed reality applications for Industrie 4.0 in general and for human-robot collaboration in particular.…
Filip Zítek
Researcher Research focus: Robotics, Parallel kinematics, Calibration, Trajectory planning I started working at Testbed in 2021 as an intern while studying a bachelor’s program at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering…
Serhii Voronov
ResearcherTeam Leader Research focus: Embedded systems in industrial applications I am a team leader and researcher at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC), specializing in the intersection…